Sunday. Wow…that very word is enough to bring smiles among millions. while monday, I don’t have to say.

This nuances of sunday – monday scenario is a simple and effective way of training the young about the practicality of life. “Never be too overjoyed or too depressed” coz that absolutely has no affect over the situation. no matter how much we despair it, we need to attend our monday classes.

Part of growing up is to get used to things we hate and to give upon things which we have no say on.

Homeworks, records, assignments, projects, graphs and what not…we do it. we do things as we HAVE to do it, without knowing or asking why.

Initially the urge would have been higher but slowly it fades away , ‘as we have to do what is told’, for reasons as simple as grades.

Honestly, how  many of us remember the grades we got in elementary. nobody cares to remember as they aren’t important. What’s important is the knowledge that we gain. only when we look back, we know why we did, what we did. but if we were smart enough to know it prior we would have done a whole lot better.

However, though our elders tell us over and over about the importance of education, we neglect it, we think it as a joke and go on in our our own merry way.

Overall, there is lack on both sides or on one side, either way you are going to fall off the cliff. In the latter there is a possibility of you not falling down, provided we do our assigned roles such that we don’t have any regrets in the future.


Change is the only permanent thing in life

But many a times we fail to realise

This simple truth.

Expectations are sort of a greed

We set for ourselves.


Life is like a breeze

Flowing along with this breeze

As life takes us by,

Moulding and modifying ourselves

According to the circumstances

And yet never forgetting to create happy memories.


Happiness is more like a choice than a destination.

It is not something you attain

But something which you experience

At every path of our life.


Moving On…

Wind arose from place unknown

Spreading my face like a hurricane flush

Drinking away the heat of afternoon

reminding me of the dear times

in this very same space.

Got ready to move on to a distant place

bidding goodbye to this lovely environment

dear to my heart.

But what I learnt from my frequent travels

to live far off is

As the waves pass by,

so the memories of remote past.

As the new tide arises,

so comes fresh new experiences.

Shaping a brand new you

for a brand new tomorrow.

Upside Down

Choclate, biscuit, noodles

Anything you name it

Which you really really love to

munch and talk about

from A to Z

Detoriates your health!!

But all the disgusting stuff

which will have to be forced into our mouth

not to mention bitter guard

coz we actually require a guard

to safely tuck it in

Turns out to be good!!

How ridiculous?! has the world gone nuts??

can’t the world just turn upside down??

If it doesn’t then I shall force it

just like the ‘so-called good things’

are forced to us!!