Getting Back at Classics

Hello everyone, glad to be back and doing what I love. Just got hold of a few classics that I missed during my high school. What better way to spend your money than reminiscing the good old days in hardbound? Will be reviewing them shortly, stay tuned!!

Love for classics


Exams are one of those time when you realise and experience that no one can help you other than yourself. I always asked the question of – why the exam? what sense does it make? and this is the best answer I could come up with – this essential lesson ingrained in us since childhood so we tend to accept it.

What do you think? Let me know in the comment section.


Sunday. Wow…that very word is enough to bring smiles among millions. while monday, I don’t have to say.

This nuances of sunday – monday scenario is a simple and effective way of training the young about the practicality of life. “Never be too overjoyed or too depressed” coz that absolutely has no affect over the situation. no matter how much we despair it, we need to attend our monday classes.

Part of growing up is to get used to things we hate and to give upon things which we have no say on.

Homeworks, records, assignments, projects, graphs and what not…we do it. we do things as we HAVE to do it, without knowing or asking why.

Initially the urge would have been higher but slowly it fades away , ‘as we have to do what is told’, for reasons as simple as grades.

Honestly, how  many of us remember the grades we got in elementary. nobody cares to remember as they aren’t important. What’s important is the knowledge that we gain. only when we look back, we know why we did, what we did. but if we were smart enough to know it prior we would have done a whole lot better.

However, though our elders tell us over and over about the importance of education, we neglect it, we think it as a joke and go on in our our own merry way.

Overall, there is lack on both sides or on one side, either way you are going to fall off the cliff. In the latter there is a possibility of you not falling down, provided we do our assigned roles such that we don’t have any regrets in the future.


Introverts are neither too social nor are they anti-social elements. They are just normal breathing human beings with a different definition of being social.

They would rather fit into an intermediate class called ‘differently social’, where they try to find a balance between the both like a perfect rhythm of salt and sweet.

The combination of social and anti social is as dynamic as any combination of salt and sweet thereby giving them a touch of unpredictable nature-hood.


That dreadly minutes

When we receive our exampaper

We feel every inch of our body

Trying to keep us composed, to keep us alive.

Sometimes I wonder,

Why haven’t I passed out

With heart attack.

I hoped I never would

Wonder about these lingering thoughts

Over me passing out

Once I entered college,

But sadly

Somethings never change.


Remember those days

when I lurked around the school library

along with my friends

trying to find that one book

that stings your page turning fingertips

even while experiencing tiredness

while every single bone of your body retorts

in your every nerve.


Remember those days

having your lunch

in the giant staircase,

chatting about the day

with great humor.


Remember those days

before the summer break

while we start the countdown

a month ago.


Remember those days

while i felt ironic

when someone said that

this is the best part of your life.

As we get to do so much of homework

which had to be done withcreativity

all through the holidays.


‘Experience is the best teacher’

My school days was indeed

the best part of my life.



Remember those days

when we striven for a break

and when the break arrives

we tend to strive to go back to our routine.


During the routine,

we feel mechanized.

During the break,

we feel to be lacking our very identity.


At every point of time, we tend to lack something

if that’s how we perceive it.

Changing this perception

changes everything beautifully.


What i admire the most about you

is how well you balance your life.


You study when you have to

you smile when you feel like

you play when you desire

and make all around you stunned.

you are a friendly girl moving with all

with no secondary thoughts.

You are also a smart lad

filled with genius answers

and thought provoking questions.


You are also a woman of great virtues

you have chosen the path of righteousness

and developed the skill to speak out the truth

with a grace.

Your kind and care-some nature

meets no bounds.


I hope our journey of friendship

lasts forever…..and ever….