
Memories are so easily forgotten, aren’t they? Even the ones we owe to never forget. Honestly I never believed it, but maybe it was true all along. My brain has lots of empty spaces or rather blank spaces as though I had black outs during that period, and I am like ‘did it just happen?’ Just kidding. So don’t wonder about what to do? What not to do? So on and so forth random, more or less repeating questions…it doesn’t really matter, just do it.


Remember those days

when we striven for a break

and when the break arrives

we tend to strive to go back to our routine.


During the routine,

we feel mechanized.

During the break,

we feel to be lacking our very identity.


At every point of time, we tend to lack something

if that’s how we perceive it.

Changing this perception

changes everything beautifully.

Dreams v/s Reality

We were a lot more confident

when we barely knew anything.

But as one grows older

so fades the confidence

with age.

Everybody at some stage

would have dreamed to become

The President, an astronaut or

the world’s richest person.

But after one completes

the high school

One finds himself in a situation

where everything is available

but nothing is really yours.

The things which then seemed so simple,

now appeals as unreachable.

Tit for Tat

A tit for tat is all that I thought

Wondering what you actually mean.

The phrase hit my head like the thundering jolt

the moment I felt like writing something.

Oh my dear tit for tat what do you want me to do?

Do you want me to fulfill your wish just like helen the ghost?

Oh no!! then I am not the right person

coz I can never ever do anything on time!!

Oh Brain! Oh Brain!! Do you hear me??

I trust you more than me as you always show me the right path no matter what.

But now are you asleep??

Everything I learnt, seen, felt is in you and not in me!!

Then why don’t you supply me with some of the

many things I shown you, made you feel and learn.

What the hell??!!

I want you to say something other than tit for tat.