
Memories are so easily forgotten, aren’t they? Even the ones we owe to never forget. Honestly I never believed it, but maybe it was true all along. My brain has lots of empty spaces or rather blank spaces as though I had black outs during that period, and I am like ‘did it just happen?’ Just kidding. So don’t wonder about what to do? What not to do? So on and so forth random, more or less repeating questions…it doesn’t really matter, just do it.


IMG_20170917_152332Straighten the wire

with your thumb,

until the unyielding wire

makes a deep reddish mark,

the reddish mark changes to a dirty black

and yet you haven’t reached that perfect straight you are expected to


Your hands start burning,

and yet no change.

Hours tick by,

and yet no change.


but suddenly, so suddenly

the staff gives a little click

and voila!


Remember those days

when we striven for a break

and when the break arrives

we tend to strive to go back to our routine.


During the routine,

we feel mechanized.

During the break,

we feel to be lacking our very identity.


At every point of time, we tend to lack something

if that’s how we perceive it.

Changing this perception

changes everything beautifully.


What i admire the most about you

is how well you balance your life.


You study when you have to

you smile when you feel like

you play when you desire

and make all around you stunned.

you are a friendly girl moving with all

with no secondary thoughts.

You are also a smart lad

filled with genius answers

and thought provoking questions.


You are also a woman of great virtues

you have chosen the path of righteousness

and developed the skill to speak out the truth

with a grace.

Your kind and care-some nature

meets no bounds.


I hope our journey of friendship

lasts forever…..and ever….





Cheerful as a morning blossom

spontaneous as a jet

clever as a mongoose

jumping as a little frog in its lovely bog

walks  a girl holding her lustrous traits

with utmost grace

to embrace her kith and kin

with her clever wit and humor

is my dear friend

a one in million.

The feel of first ray

is what her presence feels like.

Anyone Can Be No. 1

After all these years,

When we speak with our old friends

We realise that one thing

that our elders always have said –

We don’t know what is their journey,

or what is their destiny?

Everyone though they are your best friends,

studying in the same class

with the same kind of resources,

turn out to be different

in a way, you can never imagine.

Retrospecting the days of past

I realise how time changes

everything and everyone

just like a giant wheel

with its various position of carts.

Moving On…

Wind arose from place unknown

Spreading my face like a hurricane flush

Drinking away the heat of afternoon

reminding me of the dear times

in this very same space.

Got ready to move on to a distant place

bidding goodbye to this lovely environment

dear to my heart.

But what I learnt from my frequent travels

to live far off is

As the waves pass by,

so the memories of remote past.

As the new tide arises,

so comes fresh new experiences.

Shaping a brand new you

for a brand new tomorrow.