Cherish Fulfilment

“Sky blooms

clouds blossoms

sun embraces

river sparkles

birds sing

tree hymns

The child cherish”


That summer on the river bank, sitting by the tree and breathing the view of the nature’s blessing. There was silence and beauty all over. A kind of silence that glorifies the vibe of nature and beauty for which one is lost for words. Back supported with hard trunk, legs crossed and David Copperfield book in your hands. Content fills yours body as you sagĀ  back and fumble the pages of your book.


A little inspiration and a little motivation is all that is required to change someone’s life forever, isn’t it? Books are ways through which our ancestors leave us a message to behold, a principle, a truth, a realisation which cannot be learnt until one has completed a good share of time in this world.

All the books keep telling us a simple fact that anything and everything is possible in this crazy little world that we live. Why not? Even Giants could have existed. But then we are too consumed by thoughts that this couldn’t be possible, that makes us nearly blind to it.

Believe! Imagine! cherish fulfiilment like a child!


Remember those days

when I lurked around the school library

along with my friends

trying to find that one book

that stings your page turning fingertips

even while experiencing tiredness

while every single bone of your body retorts

in your every nerve.


Remember those days

having your lunch

in the giant staircase,

chatting about the day

with great humor.


Remember those days

before the summer break

while we start the countdown

a month ago.


Remember those days

while i felt ironic

when someone said that

this is the best part of your life.

As we get to do so much of homework

which had to be done withcreativity

all through the holidays.


‘Experience is the best teacher’

My school days was indeed

the best part of my life.