Introverts are neither too social nor are they anti-social elements. They are just normal breathing human beings with a different definition of being social.

They would rather fit into an intermediate class called ‘differently social’, where they try to find a balance between the both like a perfect rhythm of salt and sweet.

The combination of social and anti social is as dynamic as any combination of salt and sweet thereby giving them a touch of unpredictable nature-hood.


What i admire the most about you

is how well you balance your life.


You study when you have to

you smile when you feel like

you play when you desire

and make all around you stunned.

you are a friendly girl moving with all

with no secondary thoughts.

You are also a smart lad

filled with genius answers

and thought provoking questions.


You are also a woman of great virtues

you have chosen the path of righteousness

and developed the skill to speak out the truth

with a grace.

Your kind and care-some nature

meets no bounds.


I hope our journey of friendship

lasts forever…..and ever….





Cheerful as a morning blossom

spontaneous as a jet

clever as a mongoose

jumping as a little frog in its lovely bog

walks  a girl holding her lustrous traits

with utmost grace

to embrace her kith and kin

with her clever wit and humor

is my dear friend

a one in million.

The feel of first ray

is what her presence feels like.

Hymn of a Girl

Someday I wish

I were a boy,

galvanising about the streets

all on my own

Enjoying the pleasures of life

with all the freedom bestowed.

Not having to be told to be back before dark

Not having to be told to learn to cook, be calm, quiet and gentle

And all the nuances of being a girl that follows.

I wish for a world

were boys and girls are treated equal

in all spheres of life

not just in mere words

but in the actual sense!!