Remember those days

when I lurked around the school library

along with my friends

trying to find that one book

that stings your page turning fingertips

even while experiencing tiredness

while every single bone of your body retorts

in your every nerve.


Remember those days

having your lunch

in the giant staircase,

chatting about the day

with great humor.


Remember those days

before the summer break

while we start the countdown

a month ago.


Remember those days

while i felt ironic

when someone said that

this is the best part of your life.

As we get to do so much of homework

which had to be done withcreativity

all through the holidays.


‘Experience is the best teacher’

My school days was indeed

the best part of my life.



It is a beginning of a new age.

New age of bliss,

happiness and lots of moments

to cherish and replenish.


Yet it awes me

wondering about the beautiful journey

we have undertaken.


I, on this special day

would love to bestow you with three boons

happiness, happiness, and happiness.




What i admire the most about you

is how well you balance your life.


You study when you have to

you smile when you feel like

you play when you desire

and make all around you stunned.

you are a friendly girl moving with all

with no secondary thoughts.

You are also a smart lad

filled with genius answers

and thought provoking questions.


You are also a woman of great virtues

you have chosen the path of righteousness

and developed the skill to speak out the truth

with a grace.

Your kind and care-some nature

meets no bounds.


I hope our journey of friendship

lasts forever…..and ever….





Cheerful as a morning blossom

spontaneous as a jet

clever as a mongoose

jumping as a little frog in its lovely bog

walks  a girl holding her lustrous traits

with utmost grace

to embrace her kith and kin

with her clever wit and humor

is my dear friend

a one in million.

The feel of first ray

is what her presence feels like.

Anyone Can Be No. 1

After all these years,

When we speak with our old friends

We realise that one thing

that our elders always have said –

We don’t know what is their journey,

or what is their destiny?

Everyone though they are your best friends,

studying in the same class

with the same kind of resources,

turn out to be different

in a way, you can never imagine.

Retrospecting the days of past

I realise how time changes

everything and everyone

just like a giant wheel

with its various position of carts.

Dawn Of Generator

Generator turns by the time

power goes out.

The moment in between

is darkness.

We feel darkness

only after light goes out.

We miss

when we loose.

The darkness makes us realise

That we were in light so far

but we never come to appreciate it,

during it’s presence.

Later generator turns on,

it is not the same as power

Yet something to fill it’s space

during it’s absence.

True Companion

In the moonlight

everything seems to be perfect.

Simplest of things gain their grace

with the presence of mighty moon.

In spite of all its might, it projects itself small

For we feel it our true companion.

As a tiny tot,

it ensures our well being

by ensuring we eat our nutritious dinner.

As a young-boy,

it enlights our imagination

with the overwhelming stories.

As a young man,

it reminds us of our pal

whom we dearly love.

As a man

it reminds the wonderful time with your parents

who live far off.

As an old man,

it reminds you of the olden days with retrospect.

Gone are the days when we used letter,

came the age of Whatsapp.

Gone are the days of trunk call,

came the age of Skype.

But remains same from time immemorial

is our true companion

The Moon!!